President’s Message – August 2022

Hello all members of CCRRCSD. Last night (8/11/22) the Board of Directors (Board) conducted their August Board meeting. Once again we had a good meeting with many members in attendance. We had a special speaker/representee for the Copperopolis Fire Department, Scott Hertzog. He talked about fire danger and the need for defensible space (30 to 100 feet). There was a handout of an Inspection/Violation Sheet which is currently not being enforced due to a current State law that has not been passed this year and available manpower. The speaker also indicated that due to the lack of a State law, the County and local governing bodies should consider local ordinances or rules. We were also informed that current laws only address lots with structures. Vacant lots are only addressed (cited) when/if a fire on the vacant lot spreads to an adjacent lot. The hot item on our agenda last night was the signage installed on the CCRRCSD right-away (street sign posts, side of the road) by the Copper Cove HOA. The members in attendance questioned the CCRRCSD Boards authority to deal with this issue. This item was carried over to our September meeting and the Board will contact Amanda Folendorf our County 4th District Supervisor and request help from the Calaveras County legal counsel. Other items on the agenda included: The last comment I would like to make is in response to a member’s comments about the CCRRCSD being a subset of the Copper Cove HOA (CCHOA). The CCHOA is a non-profit corporation (with private funding) servicing a membership (2,000 plus), while the CCRRCSD is a public entity (with public funds) servicing about 571 members within the CCHOA and responsible for the sixteen (16) miles of their private/public roads. Please join us at our September Board meeting. Thank you. Sheldon Toso President, CCRRCSD